Pire Sova




Pire Sova's posthumanist art explores community, gender, and collective creativity

Pire Sova is an artist and stage designer whose posthumanist art practice focuses on aspects of identity such as community, collective creativity, and gender. In addition to working on performances and solo and group exhibitions, she organizes art events and festivals on environmental issues and gender equality. Sova earned a Bachelor of Performance Art and a Master of Photography at the Estonian Art Academy.

She co-founded the participatory performance series and a fluid collective called Persona. In 2023, she was nominated for the Estonian Theatre Awards for Best Scenography in Netti Nüganen's performance "The Myth: Last Day". Her works and performances have been showcased at NSFW, online gallery/ Gothenburg, Tallinn Art Hall, HOIB Gallery, EKKM Tallinn, KIM? Riga, Draakon Gallery, Estonian Applied Art and Design Museum, ARS Project Room, various site-specific locations, clubs, and more.